Raw material: Paper

pagine di libribianchi strappate
struck in the heart, a white paper hit by a clenched fist
Opera Quale accoglienza, an open white paper caged in barbed wire
Opera I Don't Want the Moon, a staircase leads to an open white paper
opera un nulla nell'infinito, un cerchio di libri bianchi con un equilibrista in mezzo
Opera The Happiness of the Drop Is to Die in the River, LibriBianchi
Opera Fahrenheit 451, a burnt white paper
opera ascolta come mi batte forte il tuo cuore, libribianchi
opera in me ci sarà sempre un po' di te, piccoli libri bianchi incastonati tra di loro
Opera affinità electiva, two books linked together
Opera and the now exhausted word broke down in tears, a book whose words are dissolving and coming off the page
Opera the tightrope walker, a small tightrope walker balancing on the page of a white paper
Opera Infinity, LibriBianchi
Opera il Nostro DNA, two spiraling columns of white papers
opera io e te, vento nel vento, un libro bianco piegato dal vento
Opera Between the Folds of the Soul, LibriBianchi
Opera and Pluribus Unum, LibriBianchi
Opera Mar Mediterraneo, an open white paper covered in skulls
Opera Non è Amore, a white paper pierced by a huge golden nail
Opera Towards the Horizon, LibriBianchi
Opera Kintsuki, a broken white paper reassembled with the ancient Japanese technique
Opera, lightness is not superficiality, an open white paper covered in feathers
Opera de Divina Proportione, book inserted in a solid geometry
Work Crucifixion, a white paper covered with nails
Opera I've Lost My Words, LibriBianchi
Opera di Vento e Di Mare, LibriBianchi
Opera 4 minutes 33 seconds, LibriBianchi
Opera Anima Mundi, a world of books on top of a large open white paper
Opera Piccolo Guggenheim, a book cut into sections that recalls the famous museum
Opera Leggimi forte, an open white paper with stones instead of words
Opera Pages in the Wind, LibriBianchi
Opera trilogy
Opera per Venezia, a typewriter 'sinks' into the white paper
Opera Anna P., a white paper pierced by bullets
Opera You Can't See Well But With The Heart, a white paper written in Braille

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